Written by Bridget Naylor.
Out in the playground, we spied through the glass,
A policeman on a motorbike, who happened to pass.
He pulled to a stop, right on our street,
With sirens and lights, what a treat!
Then Officer Isaac was ready to go,
And found out his motorbike was flat – Oh no!
We watched and waited as he fixed his bike,
And waved and high-fived us with all of his might.
We asked if he could visit us, which he kindly obliged.
He drove into the car park and we joined him with glee,
As we all got turns to check out his ride.

Officer Isaac from the Otahuhu police station joined us this morning for an impromptu visit. We asked him questions about how fast his bike was, what he did and what special equipment he had on his bike. He let us each have a turn to sit on his bike, turning on sirens and lights if we would like. He explained how to stay safe on his bike and what equipment he needed. We even tried a running race against his speed gun!
Then officer Isaac was off on his way to make sure the city was safe for another day.
Visitors from our local community teach us about the wider world around us. It allows us to ask questions, discover something new and develop our sense of belonging. Today we learnt about keeping ourselves and our communities safe, and we learnt about what officer Isaac does. Community visitors also help us to learn about people having different strengths and interests, and we learn that we have these too!
We love having visitors come in. Whether it is a police officer, vet, librarian, dentist, nurse, an uncle who plays guitar, a nannie that comes to weave, or an aunty who likes to sing… We love to have people come and play with us and teach us something new.
Perhaps you would like to join us too!